3 Reasons to Love Your Local Fly Shop (And Why They Love You)
Fly shops are the one place where all anglers are welcome. Without them, fly fishing would be a hell of a lot harder to do, and let's be honest; anytime you see a fly shop, your eyes probably light up like a dog staring at a treat. Everyone loves to visit the local shop, but they're so much more than places to buy a dozen midges and shoot the breeze. They also happen to have everything you need to go fishing, all in one place.
Reports and Information
It should go without saying that fly shop employees know what they're talking about. You can't get jobs in shops just because you have retail experience, and that in-depth fishing knowledge is one of the best reasons to visit. You may go in and pick up something useful in a regular conversation, or you may call the shop and talk specifics for a particular body of water. Regardless of how you go about it, shop employees are fishing fanatics who know their stuff and are happy to help out how they can. So don't be afraid to go in and start talking, you never know what you might learn.
All the Gear You Need
Fly Shops are to the angler what candy stores are to kids: a goldmine. And although your spouse may dread you taking that trip in, you can find all the gear and goodies you need in just about every shop in the country. Most shops have equipment that is specific to the waters around them. Whether it's a pattern that drives local fish nuts, or the 7x tippet needed for crystal clear pools, they're likely to carry what you're looking for. So next time you pop in, grab a few items, even if its a single spool of thread. There's no such thing as too much fishing gear anyhow.
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Use the onWater app to locate and contact local fly & tackle shops.[/caption]
Becoming a Part of the Community
One of the great ways to make friends in the fishing world is by meeting people at the shop. Everyone in there has one hobby they obsess over, and it's the same as yours. You truly become a part of a community when you're a shop regular, and the more you're around, the more great people you meet. You're also helping your larger community as a whole by participating in the local economy. Shopping locally is good for everyone involved, and if you really think about it, you're helping to fund a dream. That dream is to own a business dedicated to helping anglers likes yourself make memories on the water.
Why do shops love you? Well beyond the obvious fact that you're giving them money, their business isn't possible without you, the individual angler. You're the backbone of the industry, and what makes everything possible. The more the sport grows, the more fly shops will pop up; and that's something we can all get behind. So give yourself a pat on the back, because you help make all of this tick.
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Three Reasons to Love Your Local Fly Shop